Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 43 - April 20, 2011 (3 days to go)

Happy Stonerversary...I mean Happy Birthday, no that's not it. Ummm, Happy 3 days to go until this Lenten journey is over. From lots of self control to tons of frustration (and that was just today), I have gone through it all so far. Speaking of frustration, tonight I'm going to reflect on personal communication. Ok so more like venting. Just like social networking, personal communication can cause much frustration. This, of course, can cover both sides of texting. Is it always better to be able to hear the voice and be able to understand the tone of what's being said? Sure there is cyber-bullying but is it easier to be able to read the words and (mis)interpret it in your own way? And then there's venting... Everyone needs an outlet. I don't care what age, sex, race, whatever you are, everyone has to find a way to get things out and off their chest. I have since come to the conclusion that it's much easier to vent on social networking just to get it out, even if you pretend everyone is reading, than to vent to your friends in real life. I felt today when venting as though I were such a drama queen, when in reality I just needed to release my frustrations. that in turn forced me to hold things in and remind myself that I'm reflecting now and not turn this entry into a bitchfest. Personal communication can bring you up but it can also bring you down just as quickly. Of course I've become more adapted to personal communication I can't wait, metaphorically speaking, to be able to have my friends that live in the computer. I love and adore my real life friends (not so much acquaintances) but I think they're getting sick of me quite frankly. Three more days left to stay strong, that's all I have left to say tonight.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling or grammatical errors*

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