Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 25 - April 2, 2011 (15 days to go)

A day of nothing exciting creates for an uninteresting journal entry.

So uninteresting that I fell asleep writing so now I'm updating on day 26. My day consisted of me sleeping in, waking up, cleaning, eating, shopping...ok let me stop there. On the way to eat we saw a brush fire on the mountain. Crazy enough I didn't have any temptation to Twitter or Facebook much less take a picture. Then off to Wally World where mom & I proceeded to act like children and basically play hide & seek with my children up and down the aisles. On the way out we saw a couple of police officers walking in. Come to find out some guy was held up at gunpoint in the parking lot. Again, no urge or temptation to update. Later in the night I received another surprise text that made me smile. Thanks Erica! After which of course led to a phone conversation and I heard a very heartbreaking story of another death. So much of it going around with people I know. Sure death happens daily but you don't hear about it so often with people you know. What is really going on?

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed an am not responsible for spelling and grammatical errors*

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