Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 31 - April 8, 2011 (9 days to go)

Please tell me why I am still awake at 1am and journaling! Of course I'm extremely exhausted from last nights adventures but I can't believe I'm still awake & functioning. so I was absolutely exhausted all day long. Why is it that when I'm tired temptation hits me harder? Perhaps it was the silly pictures or the funny stuff we said, heard and saw. I managed to get through work successfully, at least I think with no major mistakes. :-S Lot's of planning for this weekend and even a scare that the big surprise is spoiled. It was close but still no clue of what we have in the works. I thought for sure it would be an early night but noooo, of course its not. I fought all urges tonight by playing lots of words with friends and pogo games on my iTouch. I still feel like I'm reverting back when I did so good for a few days. I forgot to mention how I spoke to my good friend tonight and that shithead didn't even notice I've been silent on social networking. Oh he's in so much trouble right now. LOL Makes me think back to how some people checked up on me and others didn't/haven't. I mean who do these people think they are having lives and not noticing I'm no longer flooding timelines on Twitter and newsfeeds on Facebook? GOSH! LOL Ok totally kidding, kind of. Oh let's not forget the humorous moment I found out __________ did delete me from Facebook. I love my friends for finding that out for me. No more popcorn for me I guess. HA! Oh and should we go over how I may just HAVE to see NKOTB in Vegas? So tempted out of spite even though I have no desire to because I don't care for Backstreet Boys. OK, enough. I could really use Twitter right now to lay on my guilt trip. Instead I will do it by phone. Yes, I'm becoming quite accustomed to communicating "the old fashioned way". Now if I could only get people to answer their phones when I call. Lazy effers only communicating on social networking. yes I'm completely being bratty right now.

Until we meet again...

PS. How did my son fall out of bed then want to sleep in my room?! WRONG! UGH I want my social networking back!!! *sticking out my bottom lip and pouting*

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

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