Tuesday, August 11, 2009

June 2006

RIddle me this, Riddle me that
Current mood was disappointed when this was written Saturday, June 10, 2006 2:23pm

Isn't it weird how no matter what you do or how safe you thought you were the past always comes back to haunt you? What goes around comes around and sometimes it never went away to begin with!
On the road to becoming a better person and why let the road block stop you? I've seen it happen and I for one take the detours in life. Takes some time to get there, but eventually you reach the destination. So why would someone begin that journey just to get stopped at the first road block? Can only do so much to show someone your "by their side," so why keep trying and wasting precious energy?
So when you are stopped at that road block you give the past time to catch up and when the "past" and the "present" collide it makes for interesting conversation!!!!
And when you need a "tune up" who you gonna call???? Better take some time to think about it! Do you go with what you already know, with what your "comfortable" with, or someone new??? The excitement of the unknown! Just remember, when people are in the same profession they tend to trade advice and such.

I will end with this....Get back on that road they call the journey of life! Don't go too fast or you might get "caught" and recieve a speeding ticket! So pay the fine, and get back on track...Follow the light, for one can't see when he travels in the darkness...

Gracefully fallin out as always...

Current mood was crushed when this was written Sunday, June 11, 2006 7:59am

My love is still here
Just because I smile
doesn't mean I don't hurt
the pain will only last a while

You know I still love you but you're the one I can't have! Not like a possession, but as a lover, a friend, someone to share my life with.
As always I turn to my motto in life...STAY STRONG, MOVE ON!
No other way to live. Through all lifes trials and tribulations I take it as a learning experience. Life is about learning. A neverending intelligence.
The love will fade with time, but will always be in my heart! I do have a big enough heart to hold it there.
Not every day will be easy, this I know
Put on a happy face
My love will not continue to grow
just a matter or wrong time, wrong place

I am stable without a label, but sometimes when trust has been broken so much I need the reassurance. Live isn't easy and Love is even harder. The good times were great, the bad times were few. The unknown is the hardest thing to accept in life.
Not worth my tears, not worth my depression, I will defeat this and overcome! Just remember to follow the light and if you see the darkness, don't let it suck you in!
Love you baby!


this moment in time
Current mood was confused when this was written Sunday, April 23, 2006 4:13am

Here I sit with thoughts in my mind

What will life bring from this moment in time?

the thoughts of a life I once dreamed

Is it still really possible with the 2 on my team?

Confusions set in, feelings make me numb

How do I always end up feeling dumb?

The predicament I'm in, happened by mistake

How can it be, whats good for my own sake?

What will life bring, where will I go, who's heart will I capture,

This moment in time...only tears will bring laughter.

February/March 2006

Current mood was thoughtful when this was written Monday, February 27, 2006 11:02am

Only the real survive!!!!!!!!
Think ur real enuff 2 survive????
If u a soldier then mount up!!!!!
Current mood was frustrated when this was written Monday, March 06, 2006 3:48pm
Why do I fall
How can feelings come and go
Why does the hurt stay for so long
Tears like the water that melts from the snow
a feeling of someone who may already be gone
Was this special someone really there at all
close to your heart
accepting every call
the hurt came along when we were apart
The doubts in my mind
the feelings in my soul for so long
The slap in the face that came from behind
the forgiveness I have for the times it went wrong
Why do I fall so fast for the one
a lesson was learned from it all
the hurt still weighs a ton
again I will ask still Why do I fall

January 2006

Missin some1
Current mood was lonely when this was written Saturday, January 07, 2006 10:18pm

Have u ever missed someone so much you could cry? I do and I have.... at least twice a week! No matter what we went through, what the circumstances are, were, and will be there will always be that love there!
Love....whats that? nothing but a heartbreak waiting to happen! I've seen it and I've been through it! Love is so overrated! Love is a great feeling when things go right, but when do they ever? Why do things have to happen at the certain times in your life they do? Why can't they happen when you're ready for them to happen?
I miss someone so much its ridiculous! Learn a lesson in love, don't fall into the hands that hold the ties that bind! Get it? no???? When you love someome, make sure its real and if it is don't get the bad override the good!

ok better get off my soapbox now.

DISRESPECT!!!!!!!!!!! my eyes on it...
Current mood was disappointed when this was written Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:04am

Ok so heres some food for thought....
Why do people feel its ok to disrespect one another? Wasn't anyone taught manners??? So if a dude sleeps around he's a dog, pimp, playa, whatever....A girl sleeps around shes a ho, whore, slut, etc....
How is that fair??? So You wanna know where the disrespect is???Lemme tell you....
A guy comes into a club, walks up to you, chats you up, then walks off. (NO Disrespect there) Comes back talkin hey baby blah blah blah. Ok so ol boy got some liquid courage now. Then a dude wants to tell you oh yes this is my girl right here but Imma hug up on you in the meantime???!!! OH HELL NO!!!!!!!
Here's another one...
A dude sees you and says COME HERE! Excuse me MF! Nah...don't even come at me like that! COME HERE?? Where ya damn manners at??? I dont' care if you from DC or whereever and thats how you talk. The way you talk has nothing to do with your manners. You can cuss someone and still have manners. Why you gotta disrespect people so much???
Ok 1 more....
A friend knows your messin with someone, gets a ride home drunk, then lets ol boy sleep over right. That was courteous of him to offer her a ride home. Ok so if this dude had respect for the female he was messin with he would have dropped the friend off after she made it through the door then be on his way. Right!!!??? SO the disrespect comes when the female drives up and sees your car in the driveway!!!!!!
Why do guys feel the need to treat a female like a damn trophy??? She is not a trophy to be won, its not a race to see who can lay her first. You don't win a trophy from it. You don't get respect from gettin in her pants.
So again why do people think its ok to disrespect females in this manner? People just think and act like they are too grown!
Ok females don't think your off so easily!!!! Yes we all know how to disrespect people too!!!!!! But I think females are worse at it because not only do we disrespect the opposite sex (yes the ones with the dick) but we disrespect each other! Why all the hate? Sure not everyone can get along, but damn!!!!!!!!!!!
1 example...
A friend of yours is messin with someone. She knows this but is attracted to them. Ok so when there is the free chance she just gonna cock block and move in like that then be your damn friend like nothing happened? Then when called out on it deny the shit for a long ass time. OH HELL NAH!!!!!! So that makes her a bitch right??? Or it makes him a dog right??? Nah, what it makes them is disrespectful!!!!!!!!!!!!
So lets stop all the hatin.....We in this game together! Treat people the way you wanna be treated!
Show sum respect....show sum luv!!!!!!
In the mean time Hooollllllleeeeeerrrrrrrr from A-Town!!!!!!!!!


Funny how things work out
Current mood was indescribable when this was written Monday, October 24, 2005 7:48am

Ok, just a little blog to say that its really amazing how life works out. The daily routines, the people that come in and out of your life, the mistakes, the decisions, etc.
Life can be very confusing, like an entangled web with never ending road blocks. Although you may have to take many detours eventually the light will be shown. There may be big hurdles and small puddles to jump. You may fall or get wet along the way but just brush off the dust, dry yourself off, and move on. Every day you will become a stonger person because of the decisions you make. Even if you don't see it right then and there you will eventually be able to notice it one day. For every mistake you make, you have to evaluate it, learn from it, and move on......MOVE ON STAY STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!
For those that know me know that I've been thru quite a bit in the last 2 years. Sure I am still recovering, evaluating, getting stronger, the confusion hasn't gone away. Well I have made some outstanding friends, lost a few along the way, and realized so much about this crazy and wild life I live. I have found out more about my family history (well what I needed to know at this point in life), gotten in touch with relatives I haven't seen in years, as well as some that I have never met. The ones I have never met are so wonderful and willing to help me with whatever I need for my upcoming endeavours. My life has changed so much as well as my thoughts, actions, etc. I surround myself with different people and although some are still the same my decisions and thoughts are different. Funny what you learn when you come to a road block and need help finding new direction. You really learn who your "friends" are vs. "acquaintances." I will be going thru some serious changes in my life here in the next few months. This will show me who is with me and who is against me. Who is my true friend and will support me and who is just an acquaintance that will blow me off.
I have learned alot being a single mom in the past month. And when I really get to living on my own I will know whats ahead of me. Everything happens for a reason and I know now why I am stuck here.....at least I think so. I have been shown a whole new world that I would have never seen if certain things in life didn't happen. This new world is one that I will be exploring. This new world is helping me build the bridge to get over the river I have come across. (tears I have cried, dams I have broken, currents I have created) This new world has brought me back in touch with my family as well as meeting new family. This world has brought me back to the person I was and need to be. I have 1 person to thank for that and I will never be able to show her enough appreciation for this. Ok I have to thank her husband also...
God works in mysterious ways and we will never have his ways figured out but we can only guess. Sometimes the light is shown bright and other times we have to look for the small ray of light he lets through. The important thing is to know that he is there always no matter what decision in your life you make. Don't turn your back on him, there will be some days he is the only person you will have to call on. There will be days when you have lost all hope and you will call on him and there will be no answer, but sometimes you have to leave a message. I have been at my lowest when I had no hope and I left numerous messages and almost lost faith. I knew I couldn't lose my faith so I set it aside and went on trying to win the numerous battles I have encountered and still continue to encounter on my own. Little did I know God was there with me the entire time, refilling my amunition, my energy, making me stronger every day. Never lose your faith in God (or whomever it is you chose to worship/believe, that superior being) because he never loses faith in you. I learned that when I stepped foot back in church (even if its not the religion I was brought up) and I was welcomed with open arms!!!!!!!! Religion doesn't matter, its the faith and hope you have in yourself and in others that counts.
Ok sorry, tangent...lol Hey, you know me.....My point is that its funny how life plays out. You never know what is in store for you. Why would anyone want to know? Lose the mystery? If we all knew what was in store there would be no point in life. We are all here for one reason or another. The purpose of our lives will be filled only on our dying day...
Anyway, Thanks to all who have supported me, thanks to those that have given me roadblocks and hurddles, thanks to those that are by my side (and there are only a few). I don't have to name names, you all know who you are. And if he (and "he" knows who he is) is reading, know that you played a big part in my life! You still do on a daily basis, sometimes good, sometimes bad. I have endeavoured some of the biggest battles in life because of you and I have been down to my last fight, but I gained enough strength to defeat and overcome. I can never thank you enough and just know that you will always be apart of me (whether I'm cussing you or missing and loving you) no matter where my life takes me.
If you have read this far then I appreciate it!!!!!!! You are a friend to me and thats what matters.....not how high my number is for my friends. Now if you are really a true friend you'll respond to this or at least leave a comment.....damn!!!!!!!! hahahaha


2 new poems...
Current mood was thoughtful when this was written Saturday, October 22, 2005 12:29pm


The distance of the land
The lonley in the heart
The stars in our hand
The miles that we're apart

The thoughts in our head
the things that we desire
the things that we've said
the warmth of our fire

The miles inbetween
the times that we share
the future unforseen
the complexity that we spare

The kindness of a soul
The simpleness of a friend
The mystery of lifes role
The conversations with no end

Is it really the simple things in life
Not the complexities that cause strife
The harder you try to please
the true things get passed like a breeze
Be it an intrigueing thought
not the expensive gift that you bought
Something special that you wrote
that one always has my vote
A gift is always nice to receive
especially if its a token of love I believe
Don't be scared of the simpleness
its those things that can send you into bliss
Let loose and don't try to hard
write a sweet lil note on a cute blank card
Expensive gifts, jewels, and money
Nice cars, big houses, instead of "Hi Honey"
Fine dining, expensive wine, dessert
could it all only lead to being hurt
When those things run out and one expects only more
Its those simples things that are left behind the closed door


I hate days like this....feeling poetic again
Current mood was exhausted when this was written Saturday, March 19, 2005 9:43am

why do I crave affection at all the wrong times theres not always a connection to make any skin contact seems like a crime do other people feel it when you give all the clues is one that naive can't take a hint or is it just me feeling nothing but blues Hoping for something a miracle it may be Its everything or nothing So being stubborn is me The night is now over things came to an end today we're all sober with nothing to mend

New Poem
Current mood was blah when this was written Saturday, March 19, 2005 6:40pm

how does one feel in a moment of weakness how does one handle the stress When you get hurt, feeling down in the dirt reacting on emotion creates only a mess Times have been rough and times have been bad things only get worse when you lose the one you thought you had The moments weren't right, been feeling uptight enjoying each other...just a thought on the pad How to let someone know they unintentionally hurt you a question that haunts us on what do we do does it really matter Does anyone really have a clue If the love doesn't grow should you try to make it go in times you just wanna give up with noone to talk to how will you ever know People get hateful when they get pissed shutting down all emotion don't wanna get dissed noone understands when things come to a halt only thing to wonder is will I really be missed


current mood was lonely when this was written on Sunday, November 28, 2004 1:55pm

Why does love hurt so bad? Why is love something I want so bad? I try to move on, I wish I were gone! I can't help but imagine and think for a bit I will wake up from this dream and there I will sit. I wish things could work out for the better so then I don't have to sit here and write this letter. To the one and only....I love you so much!

Another one...just gotta get it all out!
current mood was depressed when this was written on Sunday, November 28, 2004 2:09pm

Why do I love you? Even when my hearts split in two? I know it ain't right especially after our fight! I just can't seem to let go, Even though you think I'm a ho! I know deep inside you still care, Even when you sit there and glare! When two want the same in life, no I'm not asking to be your wife... Why can't you give in and and let our love grow? Instead of sitting there being as cold as snow? Baby I would have said ice but it just didn't flow for me. LOL I know it ain't much, but its how I feel right now! I've hurt you alot and I can't even show you how sorry I am. I know that nothing will ever make up for it, but I do love you with all my heart and I just wanna be with you! And you know what I mean by that!

Trying to amuse myself here....not working
current mood was artistic when this was written on Sunday, November 28, 2004 2:21pm

I love you so much with all of my heart I love you so much I think I might fart.... I love you so much I can't sometimes think I love you so much It might even stink I love you so much I just can't let go I love you so much off to the toilet I go Ok, trying to cheer myself up here. Don't think its working though.

Ok I've lost it this time!!!!!
Current mood was confused when this was written Sunday, November 28, 2004 3:16pm

I was glad when we met you gave new meaning to life I was sad when you left Thought once I was the dime that could finally be your wife We have both been hurt it was healed over time We have both felt like dirt the relationship was on a decline It wasn't supposed to be this way It was supposed to be fun Not like it was today How many times have we both said "I'm done" I can't get you out of my head get past all the tears I've cried I sometimes wish I were dead especially when you bring up how I lied I'm not proud of my past or the present for that matter I wish we could really make things last I thought at one point we could hear pitter patter I really do love you More than words can say I look back on when things were new Why can't we relive that first day You had tears of joy it meant alot to my heart I just can't comprehend why are we still apart The first time I met you I knew you were special this time I lost you I'm not sure how to deal I don't want to be friends I don't want to lose you You said its the end I will not let go its you that I'm used to

Current mood was devious when this was written Sunday, November 28, 2004 4:32pm

Sex is great
Sex is good
Sex is better
When you're in the mood

You look in his eyes
You start with a kiss
go give a lil nibble
You will soon be in bliss

Rub your hands on the chest
Down below they will please
please let your mouth follow
you'll soon be on your knees

When you are done
He will return the favor
don't let him move on
until its your taste that he savors

Its not Kama Sutra
make sure you get comfy
If hes good you'll get numb
even your sight will go blurry

If you didn't get yours and
He made a big mess
Try the table next time
its a new kind of bliss

If you think you're in love
the sex will get bette
rIf he calls himself basil
you'll even get wetter

Making Love vs Sex
Which one for tonight
It depends on the mood
enjoy your next flight