Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 45 - April 22, 2011 (1 day to go)

I can't believe that my nephew turned 17 today. My baby he once was. He was the first live child birth I witnessed. Happy Birthday Jeffrey. In two days I will have completed my Lenten journey of fasting from social networking. Why did I wake up to an email for a contest but you could only enter on Facebook? LOL It never ends does it? Tonight I went to a birthday dinner and I should've known that it would be a mess! Supposedly it was a birthday celebration/going away dinner but it didn't feel like anyone was leaving. During dinner the mention of Lent and rest days came about. I thought it was pretty funny because I just chose to continue my fast on Sunday's as well. Anyway tonight's reflection is going to be about words. Some things are just better left unsaid. Without being able to rant on social networking I've become accustomed to using my voice instead of print. with recent emotions up & down like a roller coaster I've come back to my senses that not everything felt should be said. In times where animosity is present its even better to just not say anything either. I just hope that I can remember all this when I do get back on social networking and not get that cyber courage and vent out a month and a half worth of events. I know it will all be well and that the truth will always prevail.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling or grammatical errors*

No status updates.

Day 44 - April 21, 2011 (2 days to go)

As this journey closes in on the finish line I've had a hard time finding what else I can specifically reflect on. Tonight I figure why not just reflect on reflection itself. this has been something that has thrown me into the depths of every emotion through this journey. I thought the withdrawal felt from no social networking was tough, then tonight I remembered that we are always our worst critic. Sure anyone can judge you and criticize you, but it will never affect as much as you doing the same to yourself. Going without on of the biggest distractions from life has forced me to seek within myself. No matter how many substitution I've tried to use in an effort to compensate. At the end of the day its my mind trying to sort through a million thoughts. A tough daily reminder of how tough life truly is without social networking. Not that social networking makes things any easier but perhaps it just distracts you enough to forget the rough times. For some it may have the opposite effect. I suppose it all depends on how much you allow it to control your life. How deep you allow the addiction to get. No matter what the case may be, what you share through social networking is always a reflection of yourself.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling or grammatical errors.*

No Status Updates.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 43 - April 20, 2011 (3 days to go)

Happy Stonerversary...I mean Happy Birthday, no that's not it. Ummm, Happy 3 days to go until this Lenten journey is over. From lots of self control to tons of frustration (and that was just today), I have gone through it all so far. Speaking of frustration, tonight I'm going to reflect on personal communication. Ok so more like venting. Just like social networking, personal communication can cause much frustration. This, of course, can cover both sides of texting. Is it always better to be able to hear the voice and be able to understand the tone of what's being said? Sure there is cyber-bullying but is it easier to be able to read the words and (mis)interpret it in your own way? And then there's venting... Everyone needs an outlet. I don't care what age, sex, race, whatever you are, everyone has to find a way to get things out and off their chest. I have since come to the conclusion that it's much easier to vent on social networking just to get it out, even if you pretend everyone is reading, than to vent to your friends in real life. I felt today when venting as though I were such a drama queen, when in reality I just needed to release my frustrations. that in turn forced me to hold things in and remind myself that I'm reflecting now and not turn this entry into a bitchfest. Personal communication can bring you up but it can also bring you down just as quickly. Of course I've become more adapted to personal communication I can't wait, metaphorically speaking, to be able to have my friends that live in the computer. I love and adore my real life friends (not so much acquaintances) but I think they're getting sick of me quite frankly. Three more days left to stay strong, that's all I have left to say tonight.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling or grammatical errors*

No status updates today.

Day 42 - April 19, 2011 (4 days to go)

I'm having a hard time deciding on what to reflect on tonight. So let's go with how consumed social networking makes you. It's easy to turn a blind eye at the earliest or most obvious sign of addiction. Of course the first thing said could be "I'm not addicted" or "you can't get addicted to social networking". You sure can and I can definitely speak from experience on it. When I heard a story of friends who went out to dinner and their friends husband/boyfriend was on his phone all night using Facebook and other apps I was almost disgusted. I know I was bad about it but not to where I couldn't put my phone down during dinner. I see it all too often but have never thought twice about it. How annoying are we as a generation now to constantly have a phone stuck to your face? I suppose that could include texting also. I've also thought about how branding is fully taking advantage of social networking to gain your attention also. Just about every print ad, every commercial I see or hear mentions twitter or facebook, sometimes both. Its as if addiction is inevitable.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling or grammatical errors*

No status updates today.

Day 41 - April 18, 2011 (5 days to go)

I have logged yesterday as my 40th day without social networking. However, on my calendar at work it was today. It all comes down to perception and how you count it. I am sticking to yesterday since today marks "rest day" #1. As I begin to reflect on my journey without social networking I question myself on how I've been able to stay so strong. the first thing that comes to mind is that I'm a person of my word. If I say I'm going to do something I do it, or at least make an attempt to do it. Maybe I can teach myself to do the same with going to the gym. In the best of times and in the worst of times I have questioned my words, and my strength to keep them. I have been reminded through self reflection how much people peak empty words. there are so many times I've come across people in real life, as well as on social networking, who say things just to say it. It makes me ponder how so many can speak without meaning. Wasn't it Dr. Seuss maybe, I can't recall off hand, that said "Say what you mean and mean what you say"? Perhaps I just value words to much. Call it what you want, I am me, the only person I know how to be.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling or grammatical errors*

Day 40 - April 17, 2011 (6 days to go)

Another day filled with things to do in an effort to keep my mind from any urges or temptations of social networking. That is until it came time to get a new phone. That's a very big decision for me. Its not like when I lived in Europe and would get a new phone every six months. I had my blackberry for 2 1/2 years and it never did me wrong until recently with the batter dying so fast. In the end it was going to be better to upgrade than to buy a new battery. My big urge was when I couldn't decide between staying with Blackberry or switching to iPhone or Droid. In the end I decided on my own to stick with Blackberry since it suited my needs...for now. Who would've thought I could make such a big decision on my own without consulting my social networking friends? Now will someone please tell me why I woke up to 25 emails from facebook!? Why didn't I think this through more thoroughly enough to turn off all my email notifications? This is gonna make for some interesting reading when I am able to log back in. As this concludes my 40 days and 40 nights I will begin to reflect on my days as I make up the "rest days" during Lent.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling or grammatical errors*

No status updates today.

Day 39 - April 16, 2011 (1 day to go)

Happy Birthday to my nephew. Another year into adulthood. OK now to the matter at hand...crap I forgot to file my state taxes. Thank goodness for the extended deadline this year. So I think I've gotten a bad case of shortitis! Knowing that one week from today will be my last day in this journey. I am fully expecting anxiety to set in something fierce this week. Today was fairly uneventful otherwise. Next weekend I will be at a birthday celebration downtown. So I hope my phone batter lasts long enough for me to log in at midnight. Or do I wait until after we do the family Easter celebration then log in? Decisions decisions...It's OK, I have 7 days to torture myself with that. And to think that tomorrow is 40 days and 40 nights. So frustrating! thank goodness it's almost over because I'm almost out of paper in this notebook. I have seven pages with a couple to spare and I'm sure I will do a special reflection entry...if I can pull myself away from social networking long enough to write. Look here I am already knowing its going to consume me. Sheesh!

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling or grammatical errors*

No status updates today.

Day 38 - April 15, 2011 (2 days to go)

Such a long day it was. It's crazy how you can go from having such a good, humorous day at work to an embarrassing drama filled night. I had another day of absolutely cracking myself up! Even with my cheesy jokes about outie navel oranges. then I was actually able to leave work early to get to a birthday dinner. Then it all began...pure chaos. these are the things I would normally tweet in the third person. But seriously, who goes to the liquor store and breaks a bottle, a big bottle, after paying for it in front of a long line of people? Should've been a sign because it was a birthday gift. I must've been 10 shades of red! Then at dinner I sat across from Ty and his girlfriend. Needless to say it was definitely a twitter night. I must admit though I didn't have any urges for it. I knew with only about a week to spare it's not worth it. You know what sucks is writing the day that I'm journaling for and seeing it almost at 40 and remembering I have to go to 46.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for spelling and grammatical errors*

No status updates.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 37 - April 14, 2011 (3 days to go)

If there was ever a day I was grateful I gave up social networking it would be today. All day I felt so many emotions from anger to devastation. I thought about what I would've updated after today. It wasn't so much a temptation but more of a realization. I say realization because of the reactions and comments I imagined. It would've turned something that was already a mess into an even bigger ordeal. Did I mention how much I dislike drama? I have no doubt that today would've been full of it had I been on social networking. OK enough of that mess...OK one more thing, I think today was the end of yet another friendship. OK moving on because I wasn't to stay away from negativity as much as possible. So I had to shrug tonight (awwww #ShrugLife) because when updating my blog I saw that I only have 3 days to go...til I hit 40 days and 40 nights but actually 9 because of the "rest days". Kind of frustrating actually. Oh well, I know that not participating in the "rest days" is better for me in this journey. I can't lie though, I've thought about saying screw it an only going 40 days and 40 nights but if I've gone this long, 6 more days is nothing. Of course that's what I say now.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for spelling and grammatical errors*

No status updates today.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 36 - April 13, 2011 (4 days to go)

I think that I really need to stop journaling late at night. Lately when I journal I've been forgetting things I wanted to mention and the next morning it hits me. Oops. Things like helping my mom with her twitter account and then wondering if that's considered breaking my Lenten vow. Or trying to close a push notification on my iTouch and it opening even though I immediately close it out. In 11 more days I won't have to worry about it. I may go into shock come Easter when I'm able to log in again. It will probably take me a while to get used to social networking again. Without sharing my "status updates" I've realized it was just another step in this journey. A different mentality has come over me. I kinda like it actually. I'm very curious to see how things will change come Easter Sunday. It seems so close yet so far away. Even going a week without turning on my laptop I felt so consumed when I finally did turn it on. And mind you I was only playing games on Pogo. Its all every intriguing to me. So a little bit about today. I was definitely (not defiantly) cracking myself up at work. I should've been named Country Crock because i was on a roll! Just call me Sweet Cheeks! HA! I'm quite glad that my coworkers humor me and find me amusing sometimes. Who would've though that would happen in real life and not just social networking?

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

No Status Updates

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 35 - April 12, 2011 (5 days to go)

In preparing for tonight's journal entry something interesting has crossed my mind. what has really been going on with me for the last week? And no I don't mean that "time of the month" either. I have gone the last week without turning on my laptop, updating my blog, or talking to Roo! there aer few things I can recall that I passed my time with at home. Such as playing words with friends, chess with friends and pogo games on my iTouch. Have I become consumed with my iTouch? I've had several urges but no serious temptations for social networking. Have I finally gone through all the motions of detox and am absolved of it? If so its a very strange feeling. I can't even remember what day (without looking) I last sent out by text or wrote down a status update. I'm also very easily distracted. I've also reminded myself how I prefer my handwriting in blue ink not black, yet I've been writing nightly with black ink. OK whats wrong with me? WOW! Oh I broke the week long thing tonight by using the laptop, updating the blog (up to day before last) and checking on Roo.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for spelling or grammatical errors*

No Status Updates

Day 34 - April 11, 2011 (6 days to go)

(Written 4/12/11)

As Britney Spears would say, Oops I did it again. HA! I completely went to bed last night (4/11) with no though of journaling. It's not that I had a day where I was so exhausted I went straight to bed. I just can't believe I did that with no valid excuse. Thinking back I can't even think of what I would have journaled from my day either. Shame on me.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for spelling and grammatical errors*

No Status updates

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 33 - April 10, 2011 (7 days to go)

Happy Birthday Dee! OK so why is it that there's a ton of commercials that have Twitter and Facebook mentioned? And even contests through Facebook? Crazy. I guess I never noticed before because I had the luxury of logging in at any time so now that I don't I tend to notice it more. This weekend was a quiet one as far as urges and temptations go. Hell I haven't even turned on my laptop in about five days. that itself is so strange. Of course we'll have to see how tomorrow goes at work. I just hope that the next two weeks go by fast and uneventful. I said before that I had my first post decided on but I think I've changed my mind. we shall see what comes out when its time. Perhaps I've just become accustomed to not having social networking...for now. I have taken up chess with friends now and boy am I out of touch! I need to seriously work in my strategy game again. Oh one thing I've though about today is how I was asked again what Lent is. Growing up in a Catholic community I took for granted that everyone knew what it was. there are many that don't. Its very interesting to me.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

No Status Updates today.

Day 32 - April 9, 2011 (8 days to go)

Such a busy day preparing for Dee's surprise birthday party. I don't think she was very surprised but she was very happy! Friends, food & gifts! Someone asked me today if I missed social networking. My response was that its not so much the social aspect of it but more so not being able to update anything. Then I thought about it after the face and from day one I feel that's the hardest part I've dealt with since the beginning of the journey. today wasn't as exciting as others as far as journaling goes. Except of course Stinky Pink's little brother Doo Doo Brown. LOL

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

No Status Updates today.

Day 31 - April 8, 2011 (9 days to go)

Please tell me why I am still awake at 1am and journaling! Of course I'm extremely exhausted from last nights adventures but I can't believe I'm still awake & functioning. so I was absolutely exhausted all day long. Why is it that when I'm tired temptation hits me harder? Perhaps it was the silly pictures or the funny stuff we said, heard and saw. I managed to get through work successfully, at least I think with no major mistakes. :-S Lot's of planning for this weekend and even a scare that the big surprise is spoiled. It was close but still no clue of what we have in the works. I thought for sure it would be an early night but noooo, of course its not. I fought all urges tonight by playing lots of words with friends and pogo games on my iTouch. I still feel like I'm reverting back when I did so good for a few days. I forgot to mention how I spoke to my good friend tonight and that shithead didn't even notice I've been silent on social networking. Oh he's in so much trouble right now. LOL Makes me think back to how some people checked up on me and others didn't/haven't. I mean who do these people think they are having lives and not noticing I'm no longer flooding timelines on Twitter and newsfeeds on Facebook? GOSH! LOL Ok totally kidding, kind of. Oh let's not forget the humorous moment I found out __________ did delete me from Facebook. I love my friends for finding that out for me. No more popcorn for me I guess. HA! Oh and should we go over how I may just HAVE to see NKOTB in Vegas? So tempted out of spite even though I have no desire to because I don't care for Backstreet Boys. OK, enough. I could really use Twitter right now to lay on my guilt trip. Instead I will do it by phone. Yes, I'm becoming quite accustomed to communicating "the old fashioned way". Now if I could only get people to answer their phones when I call. Lazy effers only communicating on social networking. yes I'm completely being bratty right now.

Until we meet again...

PS. How did my son fall out of bed then want to sleep in my room?! WRONG! UGH I want my social networking back!!! *sticking out my bottom lip and pouting*

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

No Status Updates today.

Day 30 - April 7, 2011 (10 days to go)

Here's to hoping that I can write for today in one night, even if I have to hold my eyelids open with toothpicks. I am so pooped after this crazy day. Let me start by saying how fun its not to get home and be in the comfort of your own bed only to have to get back up & dressed to go look in your car for something. No bueno! Why do the craziest and funniest things happen when I can't update anywhere about it? From the cornucopia to Rachel Charles. There was definitely not a lack of entertainment today or tonight. It was bad enough struggling throughout work with tons of temptation for social networking but to go through the night with more laughs and new memories is just...well lets just say that even if I went into detail I'd have to promise I can't make this shit up! I could go on for pages but I won't, I'll just spare everyone the details. I swear my life seemed so boring and average until I decided to give up social networking for Lent. Things such as a bartender giving out gummy bears (yes the candy) are just things no one would believe unless you were there. I'm just blessed to have such great friends. To share these unbelievable stories/memories with. And let's not forget about how I thought today was Friday all day and even asked how the funeral was. :-( RIP Kerry

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

No Status Updates today

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 29 - April 6, 2011 (11 days to go)

Whew! What a day today was! So distracted all day awaiting Nina's arrival. I was just so excited to see her. Today was an easy day at work, when I was focused. I tried to spread out my work to last me the entire day and help keep the urges away. Of course all to no avail. Naturally we have a never ending supply of "things to do" at work so I never have to worry about looking for something to do. Its just all the urges and temptations sitting on my shoulders once again. I may have checked my personal email 20 times today. Not that I was really expecting anything but just to make it feel like I was checking something. So much on my mind that I feel the need to get it all out but I can't...At least not until next week. Then came dinner time with Nina. She was special enough to meet my parents & kids on her first time here. Not everyone gets that luxury. I couldn't even tweet that I was with her. *sigh* That's what I get for cutting myself off from the friends that live in my computer. Soon enough I'll be back and i bet my mind will shut down because there's so much that I'll want to say at one time. It must just be that I like to torture myself. OK, so again I must wonder that I near the bottom of the page why my handwriting changes. Gets sloppier in a sense yet still legible. things that make you go hmmmm... See what happens when you're living under a rock on the Arc kickin it with Noah for the time being? UGH!

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

PS. I had Scott take off the Facebook notification from my phone this morning because it was already driving me insane. Even without looking at it I knew it was there. Power of the mind.

Day 28 - April 5, 2011 (12 days to go)

After a boring uneventful weekend with no social networking comes Monday. I almost felt like I reverted back to week one or two instead of week 4. A day filled with so many urges and temptations. It doesn't help that I've stopped writing down status updates and/or texting them in an effort to stop compensating one with the other. I thought it would help by removing all aspects of social networking and communicating like a real human being. Where do I get all these bright ideas from? What happened to friends stopping you from doing bad things? Friends shouldn't let friends give up social networking. Some of today's temptations came from Jess and I discussing some things from last week, and us not being able to say anything but to each other. Who does that? Who says something big than says we can't say anything? Well at least we have each other for it. Found out a friend is coming to visit and so excited about it. Such a shame I can't Facebook or tweet about it. Can't wait to see her!!! Then after my phone acting up numerous times tonight, on top of the battery draining ridiculously, I get a Facebook notification! Like seriously WTF!? So now I'm stuck with a blinking red light and the Facebook icon on my screen to tempt me even more. Oy Vey! And the blinking red light is going to irk me more than the icon. when I finish and survive this journey I'm not gonna know what to do with myself! Friday I may just turn my phone off because its going to be bittersweet knowing that I'm unable to attend the funeral. While I already had mixed emotions I did still want to go. For now I will take each day as it's own. I got this!

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

No status updates today.

Day 27 - April 4, 2011 (13 days to go)

Another night listening to the howling wind reflecting on today and this journey as a whole. Who's idea was it for me to give up social networking for Lent? And who's idea was it to have "rest days" during Lent? Did Jesus have rest days during his journey? Perhaps I'm confused with the great flood. Maybe for Lent I should've gone to live on a boat to ride out the storm. Today was back to the daily grind. And for the last almost four weeks that has included fighting and resisting temptation. yes folks its back. While I'm not on my phone, the temptation to log in is there. This includes the curiousity of what's going on. Such as why are people still following me on Twitter when I haven't tweeted anything for 4 weeks as of tomorrow?Why do my friends insist on posting things on facebook when they know I'm on this journey and I receive the email notifications which knowingly give me temptation. I could've really used some ranting today too! From resisting another tantrum at work to getting fussed at on the phone. Why are funerals so stressful? Is everyone just ragging at the same time....except for me? *sigh* I can do this! Only 19 more days to go.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for spelling and grammatical errors*

No Status Updates today.

Day 26 - April 3, 2011 (14 days to go)

As I lay here gathering my thoughts I'm listening to the wind howl. As annoying as the wind is, there is something soothing in its howling sound. Today was another uneventful day. Sleeping in, cleaning, coaching staff meeting, etc. I even missed the first half of Army Wives thanks to the slow pokes at the pizza place. So many moments of complaint yet no urges or temptation. I'm really starting to feel like my life has done a one-eighty with this whole no social networking thing. In just a couple days I went from numerous urges and temptations to nothing. How can this journey be such a roller coaster of temptation?

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

No Status Updates today.

*note - as I blog the countdown 2 weeks seems so close but then I remember I still have the 6 "rest days" aka cheat days to add on to it. :-( Way to burst my own bubble.

Day 25 - April 2, 2011 (15 days to go)

A day of nothing exciting creates for an uninteresting journal entry.

So uninteresting that I fell asleep writing so now I'm updating on day 26. My day consisted of me sleeping in, waking up, cleaning, eating, shopping...ok let me stop there. On the way to eat we saw a brush fire on the mountain. Crazy enough I didn't have any temptation to Twitter or Facebook much less take a picture. Then off to Wally World where mom & I proceeded to act like children and basically play hide & seek with my children up and down the aisles. On the way out we saw a couple of police officers walking in. Come to find out some guy was held up at gunpoint in the parking lot. Again, no urge or temptation to update. Later in the night I received another surprise text that made me smile. Thanks Erica! After which of course led to a phone conversation and I heard a very heartbreaking story of another death. So much of it going around with people I know. Sure death happens daily but you don't hear about it so often with people you know. What is really going on?

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed an am not responsible for spelling and grammatical errors*

No Status Updates today.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 24 - April 1, 2011 (16 days to go)

Happy April Fool's Day. This day didn't start off so well. Mostly in part that yet again I woke up late but this time I was late to work. I was able to speak to Jenny today and got a little more insight on the pending funeral services. I am hoping to make it. At work I only heard of 2 pranks, both equally good. The first is one of donuts having the jelly replaced with ketchup. Only a handful were able to be pranks but they were good sports about it. The second was four of our closers at work calling in. Brilliant! Poor Res Manager was stressed but I think pissed when they all showed up to work. Of course these are things I would have been tweeting and updating to share the comedy. Yet I sent no updates today. It was overall a pretty blah day with plenty of work to keep myself busy. Which reminds me that I still need to file my taxes. I didn't even update when I got "got"! Damn Big Moon got me so good today! I would have updated like crazy with this one. He absolutely made my day. He called me from a number I didn't know and was speaking with a creepy voice. I had no clue what the hell was going on and almost hung up on him. In the end I was actually a Power 106 (Abq) winner of front row tickets to a show next month. After the week I've had he really made it better. Thank you! That was the biggest urge today. Even funnier was my friend's boyfriend heard the call on the air and was telling me about this dumb ass chick who's so clueless on the radio. he didn't know what to say when I laughed and told him it was me. After everything that's happened this week and having no social networking (except my important log in that I included in my rosary the other night) I have thought about the dependence on social networking and how communicating the "old fashioned" way is much more personal and enjoyable. The irrelevance of 90% of my updates, entertaining or not. Sure there were other urges and slight temptations today but i didn't' find it as difficult to fight it like before. What an eye opener this week has been in so many ways.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

Day 23 - March 31, 2011 (17 days to go)

Here I sit at the end of what turned out to be a melancholy yet somber day. After staying up late last night to say a rosary, I didn't get much sleep. When I awoke, the world seemed so mellow. Almost as if life was so dull. Oh, I am so thankful that I have friends that have a vampires sleep schedule. Poor Roo let me unload on him last night. I never though I needed that but I guess when you're being "the strong one" for everyone else you need someone too. (the money's on the dresser) Back to today, I was so blah at work. I only had a few urges, one being because Kari tagged me in a picture on Facebook so I got an email notification. Damn, my friends need to give me a heads up before they do that. I really didn't feel a need for social networking today. I checked up on a couple people and sent a few emails back & forth but I didn't deem it necessary to be very communicative today. I did get a few great laughs from some emails but aside from that I stayed pretty blah. I didn't text or write down any status updates either. Time to get some more rest and prepare to make more contact tomorrow.

Until we meet again...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responisible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

Oh p.s. Funny moment was my dad's reaction to me giving up social networking. Only he would be shocked yet a smart ass at the same time.