Tuesday, August 11, 2009

January 2006

Missin some1
Current mood was lonely when this was written Saturday, January 07, 2006 10:18pm

Have u ever missed someone so much you could cry? I do and I have.... at least twice a week! No matter what we went through, what the circumstances are, were, and will be there will always be that love there!
Love....whats that? nothing but a heartbreak waiting to happen! I've seen it and I've been through it! Love is so overrated! Love is a great feeling when things go right, but when do they ever? Why do things have to happen at the certain times in your life they do? Why can't they happen when you're ready for them to happen?
I miss someone so much its ridiculous! Learn a lesson in love, don't fall into the hands that hold the ties that bind! Get it? no???? When you love someome, make sure its real and if it is don't get the bad override the good!

ok better get off my soapbox now.

DISRESPECT!!!!!!!!!!! my eyes on it...
Current mood was disappointed when this was written Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:04am

Ok so heres some food for thought....
Why do people feel its ok to disrespect one another? Wasn't anyone taught manners??? So if a dude sleeps around he's a dog, pimp, playa, whatever....A girl sleeps around shes a ho, whore, slut, etc....
How is that fair??? So You wanna know where the disrespect is???Lemme tell you....
A guy comes into a club, walks up to you, chats you up, then walks off. (NO Disrespect there) Comes back talkin hey baby blah blah blah. Ok so ol boy got some liquid courage now. Then a dude wants to tell you oh yes this is my girl right here but Imma hug up on you in the meantime???!!! OH HELL NO!!!!!!!
Here's another one...
A dude sees you and says COME HERE! Excuse me MF! Nah...don't even come at me like that! COME HERE?? Where ya damn manners at??? I dont' care if you from DC or whereever and thats how you talk. The way you talk has nothing to do with your manners. You can cuss someone and still have manners. Why you gotta disrespect people so much???
Ok 1 more....
A friend knows your messin with someone, gets a ride home drunk, then lets ol boy sleep over right. That was courteous of him to offer her a ride home. Ok so if this dude had respect for the female he was messin with he would have dropped the friend off after she made it through the door then be on his way. Right!!!??? SO the disrespect comes when the female drives up and sees your car in the driveway!!!!!!
Why do guys feel the need to treat a female like a damn trophy??? She is not a trophy to be won, its not a race to see who can lay her first. You don't win a trophy from it. You don't get respect from gettin in her pants.
So again why do people think its ok to disrespect females in this manner? People just think and act like they are too grown!
Ok females don't think your off so easily!!!! Yes we all know how to disrespect people too!!!!!! But I think females are worse at it because not only do we disrespect the opposite sex (yes the ones with the dick) but we disrespect each other! Why all the hate? Sure not everyone can get along, but damn!!!!!!!!!!!
1 example...
A friend of yours is messin with someone. She knows this but is attracted to them. Ok so when there is the free chance she just gonna cock block and move in like that then be your damn friend like nothing happened? Then when called out on it deny the shit for a long ass time. OH HELL NAH!!!!!! So that makes her a bitch right??? Or it makes him a dog right??? Nah, what it makes them is disrespectful!!!!!!!!!!!!
So lets stop all the hatin.....We in this game together! Treat people the way you wanna be treated!
Show sum respect....show sum luv!!!!!!
In the mean time Hooollllllleeeeeerrrrrrrr from A-Town!!!!!!!!!

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