Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 8 - March 16, 2011 (32 days to go)

So here I sit 8 days into this journey, all cozied up in my bed bringing the day to an end when I realized that I needed to journal. Today was quite easy for me to avoid all social networking. I took the liberty to get a few extra hours of sleep because I took the rest of the week off from work. I woke up with my normal workday alarm and responded to a few texts, made a quick phone call and then began to feel guilty for not going to work. I then took my daughter to the first day of Spring Break Cheer Clinic. She had such a great time she wants to attend the full day tomorrow. My phone stayed in my purse during clinic (I'm coaching) and I wasn't tempted at all. A busy mind... This evening only gave me slight temptations, nothing near the temptation of last night. Then a few hours later on teh 10 o'clock news I saw that Nate Dogg passed away! Things like this I would've seen on twitter early in the day. I felt like a late bloomer finding out so late. I did see it on Yahoo news after that. One plus of twitter is the breaking news. Or is it a plus? Maybe just a quicker realization of hte awful world we live in. Michelle had MAJOR temptation tonight. I had to be her rock. Looks as though we are going to take turns with being hard core support for each other. My texts today were far & few inbetween and I was surprisingly ok with that until this evening when my mind finally relaxed I felt the extreme need to communicate. As I've been writing its come to mind that I truly would've been ok without my phone today. Is that whats next? This goes back to my thoughts on how as a people we have become too reliant on instant gratification - news, communication, money,etc. Why has teh human race become so lazy?

Until Tomorrow...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

Status Updates:

8:45am - Why do I always have guilt for taking a day off work if I'm not going anywhere?

8:47pm - Got confused and almost did the sign of the cross when passing the gas station. Its a sign that we need help to afford it.

8:52pm - Since when does the heights smell like the south valley? Ewwwww.

10:38pm - RIP Nate Dogg (Damn the things I miss on twitter)

1:01am - Nothing like drunk texts I can't understand. LOL Kari you're gonna have some 'spaining to do.

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