Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 14 - March 22, 2011 (26 days to go)

Today has been such an emotional roller coaster! It began as a good day, although it was slightly gloomy outside. Arrived to work early, or should I say on time (LOL) and within 30 minutes I became such a grouch. I really need to stop letting work get to me like that and just become the employee that shows up, works and leaves. Too much emotion that is not necessary. (My twitter friends know that all too well) About 30 more mintues later it began... The madness that is! Yes folks, I was apparently wearing the hat of the Mad Hatter! Pure comical craziness with a side of my awesome A.D.D. I'm going to blame Kari for it. Its all her fault for trying to add to my grouchiness by bringing up "the Bash picture"! Thankfully it had the opposite effect and her comment, yet again, cracked me up. She did have a valid point though. Of course the mood itself didn't change until after I had a one-sided cussing match with my work email. *insert tweet bitching about MS Outlook* This is where all my randomness began and the texts really started to be exchanged! Between the Peanut Gallery (aka. My Sweet Molly Nu-Gen, Kari Mufasa and Michelle)...wait how did Michelle manage to get through the day without a new name? Oh damn, see how A.D.D. I still am. Sheesh! So anyway, the Peanut Gallery had me laughing so hard that it took me triple time to actually complete a task at work. Oops! It was so worth looking like the village mental patient staring between my phone & my computer screen while laughing so hard but trying to stay quiet at the same time. My coworkers had absolutely every right to think I was high. Can you believe that even Michelle said she couldn't keep up with my A.D.D. today? And lets not even begin to discuss how she said the funniest ever today! #GrizzlyLovers That woman...I tell ya. Ok so while the Peanut Gallery definitely had me more than occupied today, it was so hard to not want to share "The party in my head" with the rest of the world! I mean after all thats what I'm here for, everyone's personal entertainment. The laughter was so ridiculouts that I felt as though I needed a nap when it all stopped. *cue Roo* But noooo, I'm not allowed to nap, I'll blame Roo for that just because I can. HA! After the Peanut Gallery had another run it was time for practice. Time for another spin on the roller coaster. I because so bummed and almost even cried at practice. *gasp* I know, who would've though I really had an emotion besides bitch & comedian. Apparently a total of 3 girls quit the squad today leaving us with a squad of 4 now. Of course with that came major temptation. Ok it wasn't a major temptation but still a temptation none the less. Tonight wihle having another text conversation I had a thought. Ok so it kind of hit me like a ton of bricks, but my addiction to social networking isn't so much the social part but more about just being able to share my mind with the world. Perhaps I should just go back to my blogging instead. Ok, ok you're right, I am too much of a social butterfly for that. Again, it was just a thought. I do greatly miss my "social interaction" on Twitter and Facebook. I have finally come to the conclusion that come Easter I am going to finally delete my MySpace profile since it is pretty much obsolete for me now. I must be on teh verge of delirium now because I am totally rambling. I have to remind myself this is my 40 days/40 nights journal and not a regular spill your guts journal. Sweetback gets the blame for that one.

Until Tomorrow...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

Status Updates:

8:48am - Seems to be another day of picking and choosing. Not to mention not everyone's in the office yet. *sigh*

10:38am - What exactly does cocoa butter and sweat smell like?

10:40am OMG I'm totally cracking myself up down here at my desk!!!

10:49am - Ahhhh I want to log in soooo bad right now! I can't keep all these humorous thoughts all to myself!

11:01am - RT @michjay: maybe they're running away to LA together #grizzlylovers <- #iDied *here lies daloved1* ***of course I didn't really tweet this but this is how I wrote down my update and shared with the peanut gallery via text***

11:10am - Make.It.Stop. Party in my head and I can't stop laughing.

12:12pm - Is it nap time yet? All that laughing wore me out. LOL Know of any bearskin blankets I can use? #grizzlylovers

12:30pm - OMG so what song comes on next on my iPod? The Shoop Shoop song (its in his kiss)! LMAO Want some popcorn? #grizzlylovers

12:44pm - Remember when we said girl please don't go. And how I'd be loving you forever. Taught you bout Hangin Tough, as long as you got the right stuff.

12:52pm - meow meow, meow meow, meow meow, meow meow...No you have to hold his hand right...meow meow, meow meow

5:40pm - I am so bummed right now! 1 girl quit the team today and apparently so did 2 others. :-(

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