Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 20 - March 28, 2011 (20 days to go)

How do I explain today? Today was a day of ups and downs, urges and temptations. I was stil exhausted from this weekend today. Being tired I hoped today would be easier. I didn't necessarily have temptation whiel at work but I had the strange urge to log into a website. Is this one of those things with breaking the actual habit itself and not so much about the addiction? I was good all morning until I sent a couple of texts (literally 2) to the ones on my mind. Not expecting a response but knowing I'd get one. Then the first response (which wasn't expected) had talk of great news! I was so dorkishly excited it wasn't even funny. Wait is that even a word? Dorkishyly...oh well it is now. I am so looking foward to the month of my birth and its not even for my birthday. My day was complete after this. All stayed well, I only checked my personal email about 20 times throughout the work day versus the 200 times daily in the beginning. I even only checked yahoo news once right before I left the office. Even at home I don't try to type in Facebook on the internet browser out of pure habit. then came the time of the night when I become so frustrated as a mother that I needed to vent all my anger and frustrations with no outlet. This was very tough but I seemed to manage. Aside from my exciting text the only other major temptation was looking at the calendar and realizing that Lent truly isn't 40 days and 40 nights but actually 46 calendar days and nights. *gasp* This means I have an extra week to go on tihs journey. So while not thoroughly thinking about it I counted the days on the calendar about 5 times. My only thought was that I had a defective calendar. Then off to Google I went. Soon it all made sense. The "Rest Days"! I've spoke of Sundays being cheat days and although I choose to not use it to my advantage it made me feel cheated. (After the countdown gets to 1 day I will countdownt the 6 rest days) Oh, one other temptation was when my daughter asked who went to her performance that she invited this weekend and seeing her expression become so sad when I told her that Michelle and her family were the only ones. She was especially sad because a certain person wasn't there to make it a "perfect day".

Until Tomorrow...

*I journal nightly before bed and am not responsible for any spelling and grammatical errors*

Status Updates:
9:55am - "that's like throwing a magnum at a chinese dude" <- coworker said something that made me think of that & I cracked up!!!!

10:58am - why are hiccups so funny to people? I'm the one that has them and even I'm laughing.

1:42pm - Ahhh so super excited!!!! Someone totally made my day and i can't tweet or fb him because I thought it was a great idea to give up social networking.

2:01pm - if you like to truck & fish...

5:34pm - Isn't Lent supposed to be 40 days/nights? This year its 46 days/nights. :-( UGH!!!!!!

8:26pm - My daughter just asked who all went to her performance that she invited. Then she said she was sad because Crisco didn't go. Now she's all bummed.

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