Monday, July 2, 2012

Running with scissors....last two words not necessary

So after sitting here debating about blogging and going over a title I have finally decided to write about what shall be called from here on out Journey to 5k. Yes who would have ever thought I would want to and be willing to run a 5k? Anyone who knows me knows that I despise running. Sure every now and again I will get a wild hair up my butt and run but that usually ends the same day. So let me tell you how it all began. (let me add that we have a mile long wellness walk that we try to go on daily at work monday-friday)

My daughter is about to begin her All-Star cheer practices. Now before you question what does cheer have to do with this, be patient as if you have read my stories before you know that I like to go around in circles before getting to my point. Anyway...During one of her cheernastics classes her All-Star cheer coaches were telling me how they were going to incorporate running with the summer conditioning practices. I immediately informed them that they are on their own with that one. (I used to condition with the team every now and again last summer) After thinking about it for a couple days I decided I would give it a try, especially since a few of the girls on the team will be on the school cheer team that I coach.

So let's fast foward to last Monday. I am at work, staying busy of course, when I get a phone call from my daughter's coach. She is calling me to ask me if I am going running with them that night. Yes, she very successfully guilt tripped me into running with them. Sure I was planning on going but I was still unsure on if I was actually going to run/walk or just watch them. So I went and after going a few laps around the track, I believe it was 5 to be exact, I realized that I felt good. So naturally I had so much motivation and energy after the run/walk (now mind you I still can't run a full lap non-stop) that I came home and popped in my dust covered old winsor pilates video and did the 20 minute workout.

The next day, Tuesday June 26th, I was still super motivated and started telling my friends and coworkers how I had completed 1 1/4 miles the night before. I was so proud of myself and felt they should be proud of me too. The talk of an upcoming 5k came about. It is called Hot Chocolate Run (15k/5k) and is held in numerous cities throughout the nation. Now you tell me who in their right mind would not be willing to run for chocolate? I rest my case. So I got excited and was ready to register right then and there but I need to have my pace per mile first to register. Then my lovely friend who shall remain nameless for now, added The Color Run into the conversation. After looking this up I was a slightly up in the air about it. Now once the talk of this went onto Facebook a few more decided they would try to run and go along on this journey for their own wants/needs. The Color Run offers a team registration so the obvious thing to do is create a team and pay less for registration...DUH! This evening I did the longer pilates workout. Yes, this video is almost 10 years old...don't judge me.

Wednesday, June 27th was the 2nd run day. By this point I was already starting to lose motivation. I knew if I didn't register then and there I would lose all and any motivation that I had and would just blow off any sort of workout or upcoming 5k, fun or not. So I registered for and set up the team for The Color Run 5k. Look it up if you're like me and had never heard of it. ( It is a run that benefits Ronald McDonald House Charities and is held again in numerous cities throughout the nation. Who wouldn't want to run and finish colored like you were the main target in a paintball field? Yes, I even coaxed my kids into running this one with me. Anyway it was the 2nd run day and the day that I would pace my mile for the chocolate run registration and set my goals on what to improve. I timed it at 12:31 which I was quite shocked that I could even run/walk one mile in that time. I was thinking it would be more along the lines of 20 minutes. Nice surprise right? Of course I came home and did my 20 minute pilates workout. I had decided at this point that my run nights would be paired with the short video workout and the off nights I would do the longer workout.

Then came Thursday. And Friday. And Saturday. Needless to say I lost motivation and didn't do anything on these days aside from the Wellness Walk at work Thursday and Friday. But come Sunday I remembered that I needed to register for the Chocolate Run (I just missed the early bird registration too dang it). So I turn on my laptop, go bakc and forth with myself on it and said screw it, I got this! and registered. I knew I had to do something so very late I did my longer workout and called it a night. Next entry will be starting from today.

I think I may just update weekly instead of daily. Now if you want to read a funny running blog check out my girl Ms. Parker's blog. I can't compete with her stories but I love reading them and you should too!

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