Thursday, August 2, 2012

Journey to Laziness - 1 month, a lifetime to go

So clearly I took today as a rest day. I'm actually kind of glad I did because sprinting really does take a toll on you. Some days I kind of wish I was a morning person and could wake up early to go before I start my day but I love my sleep more. So it is harder for me to make the time to workout in the evenings. That is usually my time with my children. Either way, I am doing more than I did before so that is what matters right?

My friend had the nerve to tell me on the phone tonight about a different run. She called it a Dirty Run and she must've been smoking something serious to want me to attempt a half marathon. Not just no but H-E-double hockey sticks NO! haha First of all for those that are into running, we are already at an altitude of around 5000ft above sea level. Now, this Dirty Half Marathon and Lil Dirty 10k begin at the Sandia Tram which is at 10,378 feet above sea level (Sandia Peak). The air is naturally thinner at higher elevations which in turn means it is more difficult to breathe. I went hiking (walking/exploring) up there slightly over a year ago and after a while I was so short of breath. Granted I was still a smoker back then. Now what was I really talking about? Oh yes, how I wasn't going to do anything above a 10k. Maybe next year or the year after or maybe just never.

I'm still debating on signing up for the Dirty Dash. Today it was a special on that Living Social site for half off. We will see what I decide on. I think it's safe to say that I'm not going to Vegas after all though. We shall see what I decide in the next couple of days. I think I just want to go play in the mud. It looks like so much fun. And no, I'm not going to do any sort of mud wrestling so just dispose of that thought immediately.

I have been smoke free for 33 days now (1 month) and my daughter just now realized it. She harrassed me for the last 3 years to quit smoking and when I finally do she doesn't even notice it. She was talking to me about her day and told me "I'll tell you when you go out to smoke. Or you aren't going to smoke? Or you don't smoke anymore?" My response to her questions was "I haven't smoked in a month." She got so excited and was jumping up and down saying "Oh my god, ohmigod, ohmigod!" Too funny but I can't believe she didn't notice sooner. Then again when I bought a new car I wouldn't smoke in it so there was nothing to notice there. I'm not sure my son has realized it yet though. Then again he is the same one that is embarrassed to be seen with me in public and tonight called me fat. My daughter of course told him "Mom's not fat, she's doughy!" Which in turn led him to say "It's not doughy, Mom is husky." After saying husky he tried to pinch some fat on his side (now if you know my son he is a bean pole) and saying "husky just means muffin top." Oh well, what can I do?

Ok I've gone on and on enough for the night. Until next time...

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