Thursday, August 23, 2012

Journey to 5k - 2 sleeps and a wake up

Boy has time flown by! I can't believe that in 2 more sleeps and a wake up I will be participating in my first 5k. So the Color Run is more of a "fun run" and will consist of lots of walking but I'm still planning on trying to run just so I can. Then after Saturday I really need to get my crap together and seriously train so I can not be last for the Chocolate Run since that one is a timed run.

I was going to post a picture of my "bib" but I'm being lazy and I don't feel like taking it out of the bag again, taking a picture, emailing it, posting it. Yes, that is a lot of work right now. Shoot...I'm having a hard enough time staying focused enough to write this at the moment. Now where was I? Yes, I already got distracted again and lost my train of though. CRAP!

So let's just get down to business. I've still been going on the "Wellness Walks" at work daily even though I don't write about it. I figure it's the same 1.5 miles I go every day with the same route and well, in my opinion, that is not worth writing home about. However, on days like yesterday and today it is a different story. Let me tell you how I changed it up.

It began yesterday when I decided I wanted to try to run for some of the "wellness walk". So I changed out and only ran for a few small parts of it until the end. While I'm still working at walking my consistent 15 minute mile I'm not achieving it very regular, I decided to try to run. I was very proud of the last part I ran. Ok not the homestretch in the parking lot but down the main road. I actually was able to run a good stretch. No, it's not that far but for me it is. Then there was today. Today I actually took my "running shoes" instead of my "walking shoes" and my clothes to change out again. I told my goodest friend that I wanted to run again. She didn't want to change (only she would run in jeans). Then as we were beginning our initial walk out of the parking lot her running partner walked out. Guess what...yes, then she had the look on her face like she wanted to go back inside and change so she could run. Now mind you when I saw her I asked her if she was going to change and she said no. Imagine how that made me feel. And we all remember how my moodswings are. I was fine though, but don't think I didn't let her off the hook that easy. Anyway, I was ready to go running. As we were exiting the parking lot we saw her "running buddy" go for the 2 mile route. Can you see where this is going? Yes, you guessed it (and if you didn't then that sucks to be you), I decided I wanted to go the 2 mile route as well. So off we went. I guess they thought I was kidding because the other 2 tried to turn down the street for the 1 mile/1.5 mile route and I was just crossing the street. So they continued with me, thank goodness because without them I would've gotten myself lost I'm sure. Anyway, jogging...walking...jogging...walking. I wanted my goodest friend to lead because I wasn't sure which street to turn down. Little did I know we weren't turning down a street for over a mile. Did I happen to mention that this was a continuous incline? Yes, right before we hit a mile I questioned out loud what I was thinking. Boy was I ready to stick both feet in my mouth for that one. So I got to a point where I was just trying to speed walk because that incline was brutal for me. Now mind you it was already hot, I was sweating like a pig at a luau, and I still had over a mile to go. When the other 2 jogged past me I joined them for as far as I could. I eventually caught up when we finally turn down the street. It was pretty much downhill from there. At this point my goodest friend couldn't stand it anymore and kept running ahead of us. I'm cool with that since I knew my way from there. I did jog for several more stretches for the 2nd mile. I did a lot better than I thought I would even though I was slightly disappointed. Yes that was a serious contratiction but it's true. Anyway, in the end I went 2.02 miles in 27.13 minutes.

Now after that, we went at lunch to pick up our packets (I was picking up 13 out of 15 packets) for The Color Run. I'm so freaking excited for it even if I have to get up before the Roosters to be downtown with my children at 6am. Wish me luck.

And in case your wondering, yes I do plan on taking that 2 mile route again tomorrow morning. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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