Sunday, August 26, 2012

I had a dream....

So last night I had a crazy dream. After going to bed completely exhausted last night I fell asleep almost immediately. I don't remember turning the television off, I didn't even plug my phone in to charge overnight. Next thing I knew, I was waking up at 4:30am confused as ever. I rolled over and went back to sleep. Well, that is after I closed the cover on my iPad and pushed it down towards the foot of my bed because I was suddenly concerned that I may roll on top of it and break it. *blank stare*

Again I wake up before I intended to after the exhausting day before. This time it was 7:45am and I had the craziest dream ever! Well, since I quit smoking anyway. I was driving somewhere. Without even thinking about it I reached my hand into my compartment and pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I finished smoking before I got to my destination. I have no idea where I was going or who was there but when I arrived I was talking with people I'm familiar with (friends) but I don't know exactly who it was because I never saw faces. It was as though the faces were blurred out. WEIRD! Anyway, I was telling them that I was almost at 2 months and I just washed that slate clean because I just smoked. I didn't even have any sort of remorse about it. Just like well, there went that.

I was very concerned when I woke up. Rethinking my dream and wondering what on earth I would do should that have ever happened. I'm beginning to think that all this trying to run nonsense is taking a toll on me. HA! Well, anyway I just wanted to share my crazy dream.

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