Saturday, August 18, 2012

Journey to 5k - T minus 7 days

So 1 week from now I will have participated in The Color Run. I have already had a crazy dream about it, dreaded it and now I'm looking foward to it. So today I woke up, got dressed, pulled my hair back and went to go for a walk/jog.

I debated being adventurous and going for a jog/walk around the neighborhoods but I decided that I would stick around the park until after the color run. I was going good for the first couple laps then on that 3rd lap I could definitely feel an increase in temperature. After all it was around 10:15am at this point. Have I mentioned how much I dislike sweating? Not to mention there were several other joggers and 1 other walker at the park. Why do people insist on going against normal traffic? And don't even suggest that I'm the one going the wrong way. I definitely go the correct way and this is not up for debate. Anyway, I went for a few more laps and then called it quits. It really was quite warm outside and I was sweating like crazy. And let's not discuss the massive wedgie I had. I really do need to find a fix for that. Perhaps I should just start trying to run commando. Why do running shorts come with built in underwear? Those give the worst wedgies EVER!

Anyway, I have a full day ahead of me so this is a short entry. I ended up doing just slightly over 2 miles today and I was ok with that. My calves were already starting to tighten up and I'm not trying to get injured with less than a week to go.

Until next time...

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