Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's that time of year again...LENT

It's hard to believe that I haven't blogged in almost a year. Apparently this goes to show that I have either been keeping my thoughts to myself or I truly do rely on social networking. Either way today is Ash Wednesday. At some point today I will make my way to Mass to go get my ashes, most likely this evening.

In the few days leading up to Ash Wednesday I had no idea what I was going to "give up" this year. To be honest I hadn't even thought about it. When it was brought to my attention that the day was coming I began to contemplate what I was going to decide on. I really had a hard time with this believe it or not. I went through the usual and decided that I have already accomplished those ones with no problem. I've given up chocolate, alcohol, sex, and social networking. Chocolate was the big one for a few years because I had to have my chocolate on a daily basis. The year I gave up alcohol was more of a "I have to prove you wrong" things. Of course I drank more often back when I did that one. Last year social networking was a true challenge for me. Of course quitting anything cold turkey is difficult but the first few weeks of Lent last year were very difficult for me. In a last minute decision I have decided to try to give up all of the above. I am always trying to challenge myself and while I'd love to do so at the gym I just don't have the time for it. I don't want comments from the peanut gallery on that because yes I could make time, but I choose my time with my kids over that. Anyway, wish me luck because 2 of my biggest vices are combined this year in my fast. Chocolate and Social Networking. HA! I bet you thought I was going to say Sex and Alcohol. So stick around and follow my journey for the next 40 days and 40 nights.

This is going to be very interesting because I have already been tempted this morning. I received an email that really made me laugh and now I can't wipe the shitty grin from my face. Normally I would go make some remark on Twitter or Facebook about someone making my day but I can't. Now had I received the email last night when it was sent it would be a different story, but it was at work and well, I can't check my work email at home. Thank a sense. Now I want chocolate because I can't say anything on social networking but as a replacement therapy I want to eat chocolate because chocolate makes me happy. Got it? Good!

Wish me luck and I send the same to you during your Lenten journey.

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