Thursday, February 23, 2012

As my journey unfolds...

I was thinking yesterday about last year when I kept an actual daily journal then copied it here. I'm not so sure I will keep a journal like that this time but update when I deem necessary. The first day wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be without social networking. I think the hardest part for me was not being able to eat meat or chocolate. Sure there were times when I was tempted from my normal routine to log into facebook or check my twitter timeline but I figure if I was able to do it last year this year should be no problem.
I was reminded yesterday about my thoughts on the laziness of communication throughout my journey last year. A few days ago I saw something on Facebook that I believe was posted from pinterest but it said something to the extent of how the children today will never know the embarrassment of being caught while passing a note in class. It is very true. While the members of facebook and other social networking sites get younger and younger (I mean seriously, an 11 year old on Facebook and I've seen some even younger) the communication skills are lost. It's still bad enough that kids are walking about with phones and texting as soon as they can spell and that is even pushing it. Of course there are grown folks that can't spell properly. Anyway my point is, when was the last time you sat down and typed an actual email? This means using full words and proper grammar. When was the last time you sat down and actually used a pen and paper to write a letter? Perhaps this is why yesterday wasn't so bad for me. I have already accepted the fact that today's society is already lazy so why should I even bother?
Last night as I was emailing with a friend it was short emails but the grammar and spelling were there. That was a nice change to see because it seems that even at work (at least at my place of employment) adults have become so accustomed to using short text and horrible grammar. It makes me laugh because some people get offended if I correct their spelling or grammar. I especially love to catch certain people because they don't make those mistakes often. *coughMs.Parkercough* Of course when I make those mistakes they are quick to correct me as well. That is almost reassuring that there are some people today that care about skills we were taught as a child...ALMOST.
So while I could go on and on today about what the voices in my head are telling me I will spare you, the reader, of all the craziness. Let's see how today goes so wish me luck. ;)

C U L8R ALIG8R <---I crack myself up!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's that time of year again...LENT

It's hard to believe that I haven't blogged in almost a year. Apparently this goes to show that I have either been keeping my thoughts to myself or I truly do rely on social networking. Either way today is Ash Wednesday. At some point today I will make my way to Mass to go get my ashes, most likely this evening.

In the few days leading up to Ash Wednesday I had no idea what I was going to "give up" this year. To be honest I hadn't even thought about it. When it was brought to my attention that the day was coming I began to contemplate what I was going to decide on. I really had a hard time with this believe it or not. I went through the usual and decided that I have already accomplished those ones with no problem. I've given up chocolate, alcohol, sex, and social networking. Chocolate was the big one for a few years because I had to have my chocolate on a daily basis. The year I gave up alcohol was more of a "I have to prove you wrong" things. Of course I drank more often back when I did that one. Last year social networking was a true challenge for me. Of course quitting anything cold turkey is difficult but the first few weeks of Lent last year were very difficult for me. In a last minute decision I have decided to try to give up all of the above. I am always trying to challenge myself and while I'd love to do so at the gym I just don't have the time for it. I don't want comments from the peanut gallery on that because yes I could make time, but I choose my time with my kids over that. Anyway, wish me luck because 2 of my biggest vices are combined this year in my fast. Chocolate and Social Networking. HA! I bet you thought I was going to say Sex and Alcohol. So stick around and follow my journey for the next 40 days and 40 nights.

This is going to be very interesting because I have already been tempted this morning. I received an email that really made me laugh and now I can't wipe the shitty grin from my face. Normally I would go make some remark on Twitter or Facebook about someone making my day but I can't. Now had I received the email last night when it was sent it would be a different story, but it was at work and well, I can't check my work email at home. Thank a sense. Now I want chocolate because I can't say anything on social networking but as a replacement therapy I want to eat chocolate because chocolate makes me happy. Got it? Good!

Wish me luck and I send the same to you during your Lenten journey.