I hadn't gone for a run/jog/walk since Wednesday. That was 5 days ago. Today is Monday. Sure I had every intention of going over the weekend but that just never happened. So today being Monday was a running day. We didn't have any rains nor did it look like it might rain. You know what that means right? Yes, it was hotter than the devil's armpit this evening. There was no wellness walk at work and I really had no desire or motivation to go around that track tonight. Believe me, I really did contemplate sitting in the car while the girls ran. If I had my ipad with me I would have been more than happy to stay in the car and read but fortunately I didn't think that deep into it so I didn't take it with me. Needless to say I went down to the track, stretched a little bit and began my walking warm up lap. Trust me, I was whining a lot inside my mind because I just didn't want to do it. After my warm up lap I stretched a little bit more. Then off I went. The girls were doing 2 miles today and I couldn't do less than them when I'm supposed to be motivating the girls that always lag behind. So I started my nifty phone application and began my 2 mile journey. Telling myself over and over running the straights, walking the curves, running the straights, walking the curves. I caught up with the usual girls lagging behind and they kept up with me for a bit then I pressed on and they walked again. I was doing great, kept my 12:30 mile for the first mile. Then it happened 2 laps later. A side stitch. Those are the worst. I ended up walking the last two laps which equaled 2.1 miles and I called it quits. Not to shabby considering I was trying to convince myself how much I really didn't want to do it. I will tell you one thing I did learn from this 2 mile trek tonight, it burns when you get sweat in your eye! It is like opening your eyes in the ocean. Oh man it was burning when I was stretching and of course I was sweating like a pig at this point. Did I mention it was over 90 degrees tonight while we were at the track and there was no cloud cover to cool it down whatsoever. To the point where at 8:45pm my car said it was 94 degrees outside.
I did feel like today I was working against myself and moving backwards instead of making progress even though I felt I ran more, aside from those last 2 laps with my side stitch. I must say though, as I was walking I suddenly got passed by a guy running with his dog. I thought of my friend and her NOT being the track rule enforcement agency and just avoiding the dogs on the track. Anyway, this dog motivated me a bit. I tried to run that next straight because if the dog could I could to. Now let me add that this was no normal dog. At first look he was a pretty all black almost mutt looking kind of dog. But after watching him for a few seconds I realized this dog was running on 3 legs. He kept up with his master for several more laps, as they lapped me again. I wanted to ask if I could take a picture for my blog but I was too pooped to go around the track again. I hope I see them at the track again.
Ok now can someone please explain to me why I feel like this:
For over a week now I have been a super villain. I will just say that the logo would be a superman one with a "B" instead of an "S". Now in grammar you are supposed to put "an" if the next word is a vowel and "a" if the next word begins with a consentant. Now why did I just put "an 'S'"? I may need to relearn some grammar. Oh! Yes, I was talking about my mood swings. HOLY MOLY! You would not believe the way I am lately. It's absolutely ridiculous and if I say that then it must really be bad! I am on day 30 without a cigarette and while I have minimal to zero cravings my mood swings are out of control. I can't recall being this moody before day 21. Ever since for slightly over a week now I can be fine and laughing one minute then the next I'm like a raging pitbull ready to foam at the mouth. Ok, maybe that was slightly drastic but you get the point. Tonight after we left the track we went to Subway and I was ok then suddenly I was ready to jump over the counter and drop kick the lady making the sandwiches. I feel as though I am bi-polar now. Not that I know what that feels like but I could only imagine. I am up and down all day long. To the point where at work I just listen to my music and hope that noone asks me anything because I don't know what mood they are going to catch me in. It kind of scares me at some times. I am blaming this on my quitting smoking and me just being a late bloomer. I even deactivated my facebook account. In case you were wondering. What makes matters worse is that I can't even pinpoint what sets me off. I can't even answer a simple text message sometimes because I'm just that cranky that I will snap. I just feel that if I knew more about what sets me off then I could control it better. I am really understanding more and more each day how my friend would think "How can people who don't smoke be happy?" Either way, I have gone 30 days without a cigarette and I feel great otherwise. I just don't like the feeling that I am going clinically insane more and more each day.
One of these days I will get it together, but just not today.
*searches for your FB page*