So after being sick at the end of last week and over the weekend I was really slacking on doing any sort of physical activity. Don't let me do that again please. I started today with the wellness walk at work. Yes, another lovely 1.5 miles in the blistering sun, ok ok it wasn't that hot today. Actually it was quite nice. We were slightly slower than we usually are but we went dammit! That is all that matters at this point. I'm not sure that I want to start jogging this route as I get better because we go so early in the day and that would result in me having to smell myself for the rest of the work day. Um, no thank you.
So let's discuss how I gracefully made my knee hurt this weekend. Thinking I was cute looking in the mirror before heading out to a birthday party I somehow managed to put extra pressure on my knee and it began to hurt. It was fine as long as I wasn't walking, especially in heels. That was on Saturday. Come Sunday (yesterday) it wasn't bothering me at all, granted I wasn't doing anything either. If I walked it was more of a nuisance than anything but not very painful. Then came today. Again it wasn't painful but it bothered me if I walked. After the wellness walk at work it was bothering me some more. Being that I sit at a desk all day it really wasn't that big of a deal except for the fact that my bladder acted like it didn't want to hold anything so I was going to the bathroom what felt like every 15 minutes. STAY HYDRATED right? HA! Well let's carry on to my last activitiy tonight. Ok so it wans't my last because I did feed my face after.
How about we start with the great idea I had to make this a test day to get some times to compare at a later date. Sure, I already have my mile pace of 12:30 and I know how far around the track I can run as of right now but obviously that wasn't enough for me. What is it with me and numbers? I deal with numbers all day at work...yeah anyway, noone cares about that. Anyhow I decided that since it was raining outside that it would be FUN, yes I said fun, to run in the rain. So off we go... I'm on my way to run/walk to get my time for 5k. WAIT...WHAT?! Yes, my genius self decided to time myself to see how long it would take me to run 5k. Not the mile like I had been, not just work on running for longer amounts of time but 5k aka 3.1 miles. Now you remember I just told you that I jacked my knee up right? Yes, see how smart I am? It's so scary sometimes, it really is. So the park I was running at, that's right I didn't run the track today, is listed as .5 miles.
So in my mind that is actually pretty decent at math I calculated that I would need to go a little more than 6 laps. If .5x2=1 and 1x3=3, well you catch my drift. So off I go, 1 lap down...2 laps down...3 laps down...I stopped counting because I have this really cool application on my phone that does all that for me. What felt like 20 laps later I looked to see how much farther I had to go and what my time was looking like and see that I still have like 3 laps. Now how is that possible when I've already counted 3 laps and run at least 2 more? Now mind you I don't exactly run the entire perimeter but when I cut corners it's not that huge of a distance to make that big of a deal. So I run then walk, run then walk. My length of running is getting shorter and shorter but I'm still trying to push along. Down to my last 2 laps and my knee was really hurting. I told myself I only had 2 more laps and I could do this. Just push through it since I was making great time. BIG MISTAKE! Boy am I paying for it right now. I will ice it later on since I'm fine as long as I'm not putting any sort of weight or pressure on it. No comments about the weight part. I'm pretty sure that is what the problem is. My knee can't handle the amount of weight on it as it is, but to add the pressure of walking and running long distances doesn't help either.
Now I know you are all anticpating my results from tonights genius "test" run. Well, here you go: *pats self on back*
Now I didn't think I would be able to do this within an hour so I'm quite impressed with myself. Now I can really start to train and work on running for longer spurts of time. I don't know why I keep saying running, I'm not really running but jogging per se. So after this run I must've sweat off at least 5lbs. I will weigh myself tomorrow to see but I won't reveal that. C'mon, everyone knows not to ask a woman her weight. It's just not nice. Anyway, remember I talked about that saying that sweat is the fat crying? Well I will tell you...I was one hot sweaty mess. The picture doesn't even show the amount of sweat that was dripping off me so I'm just not going to share it here. Whatever, don't call me a tease.
Now as far as Day 9 went, it went really well. I did have the feeling (it wasn't truly a craving) to have one this morning before work but I just rolled my eyes at myself and shook my head. I think as long as I'm not around chain smokers then I should be good. GO ME! 9 days! Who would've ever thought? It sure as hell wasn't me that's for sure.
Now for those that weren't motivated today, just shut up and go walk/run already! Yes I'm quite grouchy right now so before I close the lid to my can I will ask you, Isn't working out supposed to help you feel better or put you in a better mood? Ok now one last time before I call it a night... *FIST PUMPS* I ran 5k in 40 minutes.
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