Ok so yesterday was a really rough day for me. I knew it was a run day so I grab my gym bag on the way out the door for work. Went on the wellness walk (as usual) and for the 2nd day in a row we have been a minute faster than usual. I was pretty stoked about that. Did I mention that it was also the "company pot luck" for the July birthdays at work? So we all know that means I pigged out! Cupcakes, Cookies and Brownies...OH MY! I only had what I ate at lunch and then a cookie and a cupcake in the afternoon. Yes I know it's bad, no I don't care.
I received some disturbing news. Ok it was good news but I was very disturbed by it and I was quite angry for most of the day. I won't get into the personal stuff though.
So let's get to the run....ok so it's really more of a slow jog/walk. Either way I went to the track straight from work. Oh let me back track for a moment. In my gym bag I forgot to change out what I had in there and I was stuck wearing shorts. I am not comfortable wearing shorts anymore like that. I'd much rather get my legs more toned before I do that. Oh well, I had no choice. It was either that or run in my jean capri pants. So I go for my warm up lap. I had decided that I needed to use my aggression to try to improve my running. Needless to say it didn't really work. I did my warm up lap, oh that's right I already said that. Stretched, then began my laps. Being that part of my rough day was that I somehow deleted all the music and videos off my ipod I had to listen to the couple mixes I had on my phone. Thank goodness I had those. I decided to run 3.1 miles aka 5k. I was stoked after because I thought my time was faster but when I was comparing it was actually about a minute slower. I didn't run as much as I should have but I kept getting winded too fast and I don't go at a fast pace whatsoever. But I did it none the less.
I had a thought this morning as I was rushing to get ready for work that I have noticed I seem to do better when I attempt to run in the mornings versus in the evenings after work. No, I don't have any desire to wake up early to go before work. We have already established that I am not a morning person. Just an observation. Monday I ran a lot further than I ever have in one stretch but with needed to burn the extra energy after work I couldn't. Interesting. I will have to remember to test this theory out.
Yesterday marked 1 month until my first 5k. This is the Color Run which I've been told that the reviews are that it is hard to actually run this one but I want to try to run some of it at least. I better get my butt in gear!
I'm beginning to ramble now so until my next run...
OH wait, my friends blog got me excited yesterday morning too. I'm so happy she is publically admitting she "may" add the extra mile and start doing 5k. I have offered her a deal, for those that don't know, that if she goes the extra mile I will fly out and run a 5k with her. Now mind you she is in NY right now but it will be the 5k of her choice. I think this will motivate me more once she picks the 5k so I know that I really have to get serious about training.
I said MIGHT run/walk the 5k. It's all fun and games saying you will do something until you actually have to do it. Lol. Good work on staying focused!