Ha Ha! We should all know better by now. In all seriousness though, I completed day 2 of the Insanity workout. If that is what you really want to call it. I say that because I think I spent more time hunched over huffing and puffing while gasping for air than I did actually doing the workout. OK slight exaggeration but I did really only complete half of it. Last night I did the fit test and today I felt it. This one spot on my back was sore all day. Now, while I sit telling you all about my day (since I no longer have a facebook) I can feel the soreness from tonights workout. I know you are all so grateful to have me to tell you all these stories of what I put myself though. Can I have a piece of cake? I kid, I kid.
I am really motivated right now and if you remember, the last time I was motivated I signed up for 2 5k runs. Today I had someone ask me if I was doing the Warrior Dash. I don't think I'm in any shape to be doing that even if just for fun. We shall see. Right now my motivation is telling me to become a beach body coach and get more products so I can overwhelm myself with these workouts. If you become a coach you get a discount and blah blah blah. Needless to say I found a freaking bargain. We'll see though, I'm giving myself a few days to really think this over. As of right now I'm not liking Insanity because I suck at it.
One thing I will say though is that my eating habits are slightly changing already. I can hear you now thinking "yeah right!" Seriously though, today I had to force myself to eat a bowl of oatmeal, then at lunch I felt so full after my steamer bowl. Of course I wanted snacks later on in the afternoon but that is normal. Now mind you, I rarely eat breakfast. Yes, I know and I don't want your lecture on how breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So anyway, tonight after my workout we had fried chicken and potato wedges from the grocery store deli. I couldn't even eat more than a few bites of the chicken because it just wasn't good to me. This is NOT normal by any means because I love me some greasy fat food. I am not complaining, just making note. This really has me wondering if diet is mental. Again, no comments from the peanut gallery! We are ALL mental, not just me.
On that note, I am going to sign off for now.
Stay tuned for tomorrows update...if I can survive the workout.
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