So it was late the other night (I think it may have been Thursday night) and I really wasn't feeling it. I had zero desire to work out. I just knew that I couldn't not do it because I made this dumb commitment and I need to see it through. I'm not even a 3rd the way through either. *sigh* So anyway, it was late and I decided to do the workout in my bedroom. It was 10:30pm and my daughter was laying in my bed. So I proceed to do the "Power Jacks" as Shaun T instructs us to do. Now if you don't know, Power Jacks are like a jumping jack/squat hybrid. You jump feet together and arms up then when your arms go down you go into a squat. It is definitely an interesting move and is quick to make your legs burn. So I am minding my own business and doing these power jacks when my daughter pops her little nosy tail up and asks me "Mom, what is that noise?". Now, don't get to laughing yet. My response was "What?" Then I realized and advised her it was my thighs. I'm trying to stay concentrated on the video when the little snot then says "Oh, well I was wondering why you were clapping!" I had to laugh and tell her to get her a$$ to sleep. The rest of the workout was not the same after that. Now, everytime I do a power squat I can't help but laugh. So there you have it...I can make it clap with no problem. It just isn't the way that some of human species may prefer. C'mon now, admit it....you are all singing "Make it clap". You can't thank me later when it is no longer stuck in your head.
This concludes this week's entry. Until next time...
Did I forget to tell y'all about Gravity Fit last week? It is almost Tuesday again (Sunday) and I did share how I walked out a winner? If I already told you then you can just go back to singing "Make it clap". So the Workout Queen went with me to Gravity Fit on Tuesday. I think that Running Regina is not going to attend this class again. That is ok though, she is a workout addict anyway. And Jumping Josephina was unable to attend. So anyway, Workout Queen is such a beast that she decided to do two workouts before going to Gravity Fit. I mean, seriously, who does that? Anyway, we go and it was a full class again like the first time I attended. I felt great and was able to keep up a little bit more. Of course somewhat knowing what to expect and knowing when to go potty in an effort not to pee myself helped. I was sweating up a storm too. Yes, I sweat. I don't "glisten" like some women. So the end of class comes and it is "relay" time. I'm sure you all know that I was dreading the pit from hell! So again I counted off and ended up doing suicide drills in the dodgeball court area first. Next up was...yep, you guessed it....the pit from hell! Do I go there and some chick is there in the middle talking about how she hurt her ankle. She didn't want help so I was just waiting for her to hurry up and get out of the pit so I could get it over with. In the end, the wait gave me the courage to take it on. I jumped in from the platform area instead of the trampoline. So I jump in, swim to the wall and touch it then swim back and get out. All in under 10 minutes, perhaps even under 5 minutes. When I got out I just wanted to say "LIKE A BOSS!" I didn't though. After class I was speaking with the instructor. Did I mention she reminds me so much of an old friend of mine? It's pretty crazy how much they resemble each other. Anyway, even she said how much I've improved and gave me the double high five. Then she asked me what else I was doing or if I was just doing the GF class. I told her how I was going the dreaded Insanity also but I'd much rather do GF 5 nights a week instead of Insanity. Point is, she told me that I looked slimmer. That made me feel so great about everything and myself. I walked out of there with my head held high and a huge smile on my face even though it was about 10 degrees outside. Can't wait until this coming Tuesday. That is if the snow stops and cooperates. I won't drive in the snow unless I absolutely have to. I hate driving in inclement weather! I am also going to try to go to Thursday morning class.
Ok, this time I'm really done. MAKE IT CLAP! HAHA